May 21st, 2018
Look how wild that one is getting! I’m a little grossed out by how… meaty(??), for lack of a better word, it is on the inside. At this time it seems to be the only one growing all that extra stuff.
May 26th, 2018
Look at all that growth! I’m super impressed with how quickly my little sprout seems to be growing. For a while it felt like it’d never make it’s way out and now every time I look at it I’m shocked how much taller it is. Even comparing these photos to the ones on the 21st of the month you can see how much it grew.
May 29th, 2018
We put the air conditioning unit in the window and all of my plants had to be moved from the kitchen table! I’m a little bummed because they did look so pretty there, all grouped together but they’d never survive with cold air pumping in on them.
June 2nd, 2018
Lots of growth and an accident. One of my containers slid and fell from my even so slightly slanted windowsill. I was pretty disappointed, especially since that one seemed to have some really interesting and healthy looking roots. Instead of throwing it away, I decided to just pop it back into the container, and see if it would still grow. Worst case scenario? It dies. Best case? I grow a tree!
June 14th, 2018
Didn’t see my avocados for over a week while I was off getting married. I expected to see a bit of change but I definitey did not expect to see all the growth that happened. All of my roots are SO wild! Pretty sure that one is just some sort of alien, not really an avocado! Look at the roots!
The photo above (and the one below) show the pit that had fallen and broken. Clearly that didn’t hinder it in the least. When I placed it back in the container the two pieces were carefully leaned up against each other so they wouldn’t just fall into the water. When I got back from the trip and finally checked on them there had been so much growth that they were both firmly pressed up against the glass. I’m thinking I might need to move it into a larger container so that it continues to have room to grow.
June 17th, 2018
Look at the leaves starting to open up on that guy! I’ve waited so long for this!!
Have you started your own avocado pits yet!? If you couldn’t tell, it’s pretty darn satisfying.
Past updates – part 1, part 2 + part 3.
Yours are doing well! My pit has all that meaty stuff too. Definitely weird looking. The stem got to be about 7 inches tall with just one tiny leaf on the end. I did some research and cut it back halfway to promote secondary growth on the smaller leafy things that were growing on the lower half of the stem. After a couple of weeks I now see little buds coming out of these and will hopefully have fuller leaves soon. This process is so interesting to watch!
You’re the second person I’ve had mention trimming it back. I think I’ll definitely try that out.
I seriously love how alien-like they look! I am going to try this soon for sure despite not really having the space for more plants… oh well! 😛
There’s ALWAYS room! 😛
i’ve had three pits in water for a while now. they are all in various stages and i’m enjoying their (slow!) progress. yours are incredible! i think i need to move mine to a sunnier place instead of the indirect sun they have been getting. at what point do you put them in soil?
I think once they have roots you can plant them in soil. 🙂
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