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Up until last week, I hadn’t been to a store – any store – for over four months. Jeff had been doing our grocery runs. I thought that sending one representative from our family to do all the shopping was the smartest pandemic move. I have missed going out though. Not going to TJ Maxx? I can handle that. No Target? Eh. But no garden centers? Gosh, I miss them so much!
Despite not shopping in person, I have still managed to get my hands on quite a few new plants the last few months. I’m still a tiny bit skeptical of buying plants online. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t reeeeally stop me that often. Plants are just so delicate and I truly care for them so I don’t want them damaged in transit or to not even be what I ordered. Watching unboxing videos has been super helpful in figuring out where I feel comfortable ordering from though, especially when it comes to super small online shops.
I shared my first unboxing video back in May (watch that here!) and I’m back today with another from a cute little shop on Etsy, Nova Plantae. Watch below + subscribe on YouTube!
This order was from Nova Plantae. Like I said in the video, the prices were SO great. I still can’t believe what gorgeous plants these are for the price considering what I had paid for much much smaller ones on eBay. I honestly want to seconds of each because I love them that much!
Here’s a list of the plants mentioned in the video;
Stapelia grandiflora
Huernia stapelia
Orbea speciosa

A bloom coming in on the Stapelia grandiflora. August 23rd

August 27th. What a difference four days makes, huh!?

Orbea speciosa has some blooms on the way as well!
I cannot stress enough how stoked I am on this whole purchase. I’m just dying for the flowers to bloom! xoxo
1 comment
These are gorgeous! It’s such a shame that the flowers didn’t survive the trip, but it’s great to see that blooms are starting to happen all over again. I love cacti that flower too, but I’m yet to get lucky and see it actually happen with one of my own. I am also a bit unsure when it comes to how much to water them, so I suppose I’ll just have to keep practicing!
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