Spring has officially sprung and my goodness, it feels good to get outside again.
Since the beginning of this blog, each year I’ve written about how excited I am for spring. It just never ceases to make me feel refreshed, especially now that I actually own property. There’s just so much to look forward to.
It’s been spring for less than a week and in that week it feels like so much has changed! My daffodils are getting ready to explode. The peepers started making noise (truly the best noise to fall asleep to!) I’m seeing more bunnies in the yard. It’s just such a treat to watch the yard wake up and know that in a few short months I’ll have a garden FULL of flowers, as well as a lush green yard.
Anyway, there’s nothing I can say here that I haven’t already said in one of the other twenty spring posts I’ve written in the past. I really just wanted to share some photos from the last week.

Shot with a Canon 7D mark ii and a Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro lens.