Grahamville Cemetery

by Kaylah Stroup
Grahamville Cemetery, headstone, graveyard

After that incredible abandoned church we found on our Valentine’s Day adventure (check it out here!) I couldn’t imagine our luck getting any better. Shortly after crossing the Pennsylvania border we hit a major wall of fog. Like barely see the car in front of you wall of fog! Jeff said something like “wouldn’t you love to shoot a cemetery in this?” To which my response was “well, I doooo have the find a grave app!” I opened it real quick and found that a little ways off from the next exit was a real gem of a cemetery. The photos showed some old headstones and I was sold!

It was about ten minutes away from the freeway which when you’ve had the worst luck ever photographing fog feels like a lifetime. I’ve told you a million times in the past how every time I go to shoot some beautiful foggy location it all burns off before I arrive. I held my breath the whole way there. We went through patches where the skies were clear, and patches where you couldn’t see a darn thing. By some stroke of luck when we pulled into the driveway it was so white you couldn’t see a single headstone.

I nearly jumped out of the car. Just kidding. I literally jumped out of the car, grabbed my camera from the back and started running around snapping photos. I was so happy to just be shooting anything in the fog but the further I got into the cemetery the older the headstones were until I found that sweet spot I’d seen on the app. It was SO EXCITING. I honestly could ramble forever about how much I love fog and cemeteries, and how the two combined is like the ultimate photographic subject for me so, here, just look at my photos from the day…

fog, headstone, graveyardcemetery, fog, foggy, pa, grahamville cemetery, grahamville cemetery, headstone, spooky cemetery, foggrahamville cemetery, pennsylvania


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Alexandra February 27, 2017 - 4:02 pm

These photos are perfect in every. Single. Way.

Kaylah February 28, 2017 - 2:26 pm

Thank youuuu! <3

Kate @ February 28, 2017 - 1:55 am

Um, these photos are amazing. What a find!

Kaylah February 28, 2017 - 2:27 pm

Thanks, Kate! 😀

Jasilyn Albert February 28, 2017 - 7:36 am

I love when luck is on my side like that! There's something about the simple square headstones I really like. I can't pinpoint what it is, but I think they are so cool.

Kaylah February 28, 2017 - 2:27 pm

Me too, me too! 🙂

Indya S February 28, 2017 - 9:41 am

These photos are amazing! I've never photographed fog before, but it looks absolutely gorgeous in these photos. 😍

Kaylah February 28, 2017 - 2:27 pm

Thanks, Indya! 🙂

Alexis February 28, 2017 - 2:25 pm

I LOVE these headstones!!! The Mabye headstone reminds me of a Ouija planchette with "Goodbye" under it, so I find that to be really cool.

hello haha narf March 2, 2017 - 1:58 pm

i received a big girl camera for christmas and one of the main reasons i REALLY wanted it was in order to photograph fog. although i need to learn how to use the darn thing first! ha! anyhow, fog is my favorite. and these images you captured are spectacular. well done!!
p.s. i find cemeteries incredibly relaxing and try to stop when i see one that looks old and interesting. the boyfriend lives in connecticut and i asked him to take me to the oldest cemetery he knew of. i was blown away. your photos are inspiring. thank you for sharing. now i want to go back and practice with my camera!
another p.s. oh man, i promised you my baby teeth and am such a slacker that i haven't sent them yet. sheesh. will look for them this weekend!

Mars 2017 : mes favoris • Inspiration • La Lune Mauve November 12, 2018 - 12:41 am

[…] photo au Grahamville Cemetery, en Pennsylvanie. Des tombes et du brouillard, what […]

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