Last week my dad text me this…

Although I feel like we’ve already got pretty much anything cool out of the dump, of course the answer is yes! I grabbed my stuff and headed over to play in the trash!
Check out our previous dump-digging experiences here.
We started the short hike to the property the dump is on but after wandering around a little while came up short. The woods seemed… different? Maybe I’ve been reading too much horror but it was like we were transported to somewhere else. There was no sign of the dump. If you look at my other dump digging posts you can see the rows of bottles and other treasures we left on logs. I know it’s been a few years but it seems highly unlikely that someone actually cleaned it up.
So, we walked and walked and walked until I spotted something off in the distance. I darted over to check it out and wouldn’t you know it, we discovered a whole new dump! Totally untouched by anyone in YEARS!
Presumably a farm dump used from the 1950’s-70s. There was a little bit of everything. Boots, toys, pots and pans, miscellaneous car parts, and my favorite – bottles! So many unbroken bottles. Such a treat!

The photos in this post are of the treasures I bought home. I like collecting random bottles for making bouquets and giving them away to loved ones. Clearly, I also can’t resist a tiny bottle. What will I do with them? Who knows but they’re cute!
Check out the video below for a little ~explore with me~ experience.